

Material handling (MH) makes more efficient and automates the “movement and management of materials” at operating bases of the manufacturing and distribution industries everywhere. In recent years, corporate management has been challenged by the issue of how to systematically manage their factories and distribution centers utilizing MH and IT.

The MH market (including storage equipment, transport machines and other peripheral equipment) is almost one trillion yen in size and MH is not well known actually to a wide public for its role but the logistics comprising MH assumes a vital role in the corporate management and SCM. Given such a background, the Japan Institute of Material Handling (JIMH) is making greater efforts to further strengthen and develop the foundations of the MH industry while deepening its cooperation with the public administration.

JIMH is helping to increase productivity and efficiency in cooperation with system, equipment and parts manufacturers who are well-versed in frontline logistics and constructively respond to needs from society and industry.

Promoting IT in MH systems

The labor environment at distribution sites has changed considerably due to a decrease in the labor force caused by a declining birthrate and growing population of elderly people, technological sophistication and the streamlining of operations.

JIMH is making efforts not only to reduce the workload at distribution sites but also to provide systems that can respond flexibly to changes in the labor force and diversifying market needs while considering the interface of man and machine and promoting the utilization of automatic recognition system and IT including RFID.

MH systems that place importance on reducing environmental loads

All industries are making efforts to reduce their loads and realize a recycling-oriented society. In the MH industry as well, efforts that show consideration for the environment are urgently needed, thus the dissemination and promotion of energy-saving equipment are a major theme. JIMH will utilize MH technologies accumulated up till now to advance suggestions for systems that place importance on the environment and solutions.

Considering with the 4-partners exchange meeting (WMHA) amongst Japan, USA, EU and China, JIMH is making efforts for the association activity in order to create and expand the MH market in ASEAN in future. To that end, JIMH is working hard with counterparts in collaboration while making free competition as major premise, seeking harmony not only with member companies but also public administrations and related groups, and promoting further technological innovation and international standardization.

Date created: August 2013
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